Young Skål to be launched in Feb

Skål Delhi recently held a film screening for its members during which Sanjay Datta, President, Skål Delhi, revealed plans for Skål Ball and Young Skål club.

Skål Delhi recently held a screening of the documentary film Blood Lion for its members at the Roseate House, New Delhi. Datta claimed that the film, based on wildlife conservation, should be promoted by travel industry stakeholders. “This is one of the initiatives by Skål towards the environment. We are doing our bit by screening the movie for our members and make them aware,” he said.

The next big event on the Skål calendar is the Skål Ball. “Skål Ball is scheduled to take place on February 25, for which our national committee is also coming. Last time, we had our international committee in attendance. Hopefully, we’d be able to put up a good show this year as well,” claimed Datta.
Talking about the association, he said that they aim to be the number one club in the world, especially after the efforts they have put in the last few years. “We have done quite a lot in the last few years and we shall continue to do that. The new team is set to take over in March. Our endeavour is to make 2017 a good year for Skål Delhi, especially because the new team is going to take over with new ideas. There will be more members joining in as well,” he added.

The formal date for the new team taking over will be disclosed in February. Datta informs, “The team is already in place. I will be there in the committee as the past president, but I am sure that the new and young team will continue doing wonders for the next few years.” There will also be the Young Skål club, which will be formally announced very soon. “We have sent an email to Skål International for the necessary approvals. Once that is done, we will launch Young Skål, and I believe that it would be done by early February. Ankush Nijhawan has already been appointed as the Director of Young Skål, and with him being at the helm, we are expecting things to be great.”

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