QualSTAR certifies Roseate

Roseate Hotels & Resorts has become the first hotel group in India to receive QualSTAR certification, for achieving the highest level of safety and hygiene standards. In a bid to minimise physical contact with guests at their hotels, they have launched ‘Care by Roseate’.

Nisha Verma

QualSTAR is India’s first and only hospitality rating agency accredited by the Quality Council of India to provide COVID compliance certification to hotels. After the extensive online and on-site audits, Roseate was independently assessed by QualSTAR to meet more than 470 safety and hygiene standards.

“We are truly honoured to be recognised by this leading certification body for our safety precautions and hygiene practices which is the most important factor, especially during these COVID times,” says

Kush Kapoor, CEO, Roseate
Hotels & Resorts. “We would like to thank QualSTAR for recognising us and certifying our practices,” he adds. Roseate Hotels & Resorts ensures to provide an unparalleled experience and utmost satisfaction to its guests keeping all hygiene and safety standards in place.‘Touchless Hospitality’ is the new future that is here to stay, and Roseate Hotels & Resorts has completely remodelled its standard operating procedures towards providing greater care and ensuring a safer environment for guests. In a bid to minimise physical contact with guests at their hotels, they have launched ‘Care by Roseate’, a novel approach towards instilling confidence among customers about their safety while staying and dining at restaurants. Care by Roseate involves stringent procedures in place to ensure no contamination enters via any route. The measures involve thermal screening at entry gates of all passenger vehicles, display of ‘Safe’ status in Aarogya Setu App for staff and guests, and mandatory wearing of masks to enter the hotel premises.

All hotel vehicles are disinfected at entry points and after every use. Sanitisers are kept in all prominent locations within the hotel. Guest luggage would also be disinfected from outside on arrival. To enable seamless, remote check-ins, touchless check-ins would be facilitated via an App, in which all information would already be pre-registered. After check out, the same room would be allocated only 24 hours post being thoroughly disinfected.

Roseate Hotels & Resorts would also follow an alternate room occupancy policy to maintain social distancing. Housekeeping staff would wear Personal Protection Equipment (PPE). Delivery and clearance of Room Service orders would be just outside the hotel room entrance. To ensure touchless usage of elevators, a staff member in PPE would be present to operate them with not more than three members at a time.

Touchless dining is also going to be paramount at Roseate. For dining, the guest, while booking a table, can see the menu and order from it. The guest shares their location with the hotel so that the kitchen staff starts preparing the meal when the guest is enroute to the hotel’s restaurant.

Guests also have an option to add more items while they are enjoying their meal. In addition, the App would allow guests to see food being prepared live in the kitchen. In the end, the bill comes on the App on which it can be paid via credit card. There would be no buffet services for the time being.

The tables in the restaurant will also be placed at a minimum two-metre distance and kitchen & service staff will wear PPE (masks, gloves and other protective gear) at all times. Moreover, regular temperature checks of staff will continue to be a part of the new normal. Personnel from areas designated as hotspots will be discouraged to enter the hotel premises.

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