PATA brings SanJeet to its fold

SanJeet of DDP Group has been elected to PATA International’s Executive Board. The announcement was made at the 71st PATA Annual General Meeting held in virtual mode recently. Peter Semone has been declared as the Chair of the Association’s Executive Board, which also elected five other new members.

TT Bureau

Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) has announced the new PATA Executive Board. Peter Semone has been declared as the Chair of the Association’s Executive Board and replaces Soon-Hwa Wong, who was elected Chair in October 2020. The election happened during the 71st PATA Annual General Meeting held virtually, in which PATA also elected six new members to its Executive Board comprising Benjamin Liao, Forte Hotel Group, Chinese Taipei; Suman Pandey, Explore Himalaya Travel and Adventure, Nepal; Tunku Iskandar, Mitra Malaysia Sdn. Bhd, Malaysia; SanJeet, DDP Group, India; Luzi Matzig, Asian Trails Ltd., Thailand and Dr Fanny Vong, Institute for Tourism Studies (IFTM), Macao, China. They will be joining current Executive Board members Dr Abdulla Mausoom, Ministry of Tourism, Maldives and Noredah Othman, Sabah Tourism Board, Malaysia.

Benjamin Liao and Suman Pandey were elected as the new Vice Chairman and Secretary/Treasurer, respectively.

On his appointment, Semone said, “Today, we are emerging from the most severe crisis to hit our community since PATA was founded in 1951. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought unprecedented devastation on tourism destinations and businesses across Asia and the Pacific. It is in these times of crisis, organisations like PATA play a critical role. Now is the time to rethink tourism in Asia Pacific. PATA is central to this narrative.”

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