Levi creates a buzz

As a new entrant in the India market, Visit Levi’s focus is to create awareness about Levi as a tourist destination among the travel trade in India.

Hazel Jain

“The Indian travel market is very interesting to us Finns,” says Yrjötapio Kivisaari, CEO, Visit Levi. “The younger generation of travelling Indians has already seen London, Paris, Rome and New York, and is now looking for unique experiences and pristine nature. Finland is just a short flight away from Delhi and can offer good infrastructure, wonderful excursions, memorable adventures, and unforgettable accommodation. Our challenge is to learn how to communicate with Indian travellers about Arctic luxury. Our location above the Arctic Circle and the seasonality of the travel industry combined with high labour expenses require us to work with far less staff as Indians are used to in holiday destinations.”

Finland is just a short flight away from Delhi and can offer good infrastructure and wonderful excursions

However, the luxury of Levi lies in its nature and the silence, and not an army of hospitality professionals in its hotels and restaurants. “Our service is very friendly and authentic, but it might be that the managing director and owner of the company are serving guests visiting the husky farm or a world-famous wilderness hotel. This is what we call Arctic hospitality,” Kivisaari explains.

Visit Levi is represented in India by Papori Bharati, who says, “India is a new market for us. We see a lot of potential, of course, that is why we are here. We need to meet the right agents and tour operators. We know it takes time to be completely aware of a new destination, and by word of mouth we know it will work for us in the long run.”

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