From Rare to Peach

Rare India has launched a new entity called Peach, under which the team would work for new tourism products, fairs and events in terms of development, promotion and marketing.

Nisha Verma

One of the first projects under Peach is Gobindgarh Fort, recently showcased in Delhi for agents by Deepa Sahi, erstwhile actress and developer behind the project. She has produced and developed the shows at the fort. The fort belonged to Maharaja Ranjit Singh of Punjab and showcases stories of his valour through 7D experiences and virtual reality wonders.

Shoba Mohan and Sowmya Vijaymohan, Founder Partners, RARE India and Peach, said that Peach would be focusing on handholding and developing new projects, events, fairs and experiences in the tourism space. Peach would be different from RARE as it will not be delving into the representation of boutique, independently owned properties, which fall into the RARE aesthetics. Vijaymohan added, “For us, Peach would give more bandwidth to play around in regions we can promote. At Peach, we can handhold, help curate and make sure that the guides are up to the mark for projects like Gobindgarh Fort. The idea is to add value to any travel in the Indian subcontinent.”

Sahi informed the agents about the Gobindgarh Fort and said, “We wanted to use technology to promote our culture and we had put up this proposal to recreate the experiences via high-end technology. We wanted to share what has happened in our civilisation and history, making sure that it’s not boring but engaging. With this idea, we have put up two shows—one is a 7-D show and the other is a projection show. It showcases the history and struggle of Amritsar. We are also going to have a holographic show on the spirit of Punjab. The project is in the PPP model with Punjab government as they have provided the space while the investment and development has been taken care of by us. We want to make this a world-class hub.”

In terms of packages, Mohan added that the product is ideal for the inbound market.

Inbound Ready

  • There will be well-trained guides by winter when the inbound tourists would arrive who’d take them through various experiences

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