EaseMyTrip.com has now introduced IRCTC train tickets booking on its platform. The company has collaborated with IRCTC to provide its users with the facility of even booking railway tickets on their platform. With this, EaseMyTrip (EMT) users will be able to book their train tickets on EMT’s website, mobile site and Android and iOS mobile app. Users will also have the option of cancelling their booking as it is available on IRCTC as well.
Nishant Pitti, CEO and Co-Founder, EaseMyTrip said, “Our tie up with IRCTC will offer an additional advantage for our customers to simplify their journey by booking railway tickets on our website, mobile site and Android & iOS mobile app. With this, we would be able to provide our customers with this oldest mode of transportation extremely popular amongst Indian masses. This would allow us to offer holistic travel solutions to our customers. We have been noticing a remarkable growth in terms of users for hotel and bus ticket booking options in last few months. So, this was the right time for us to grow in the segment of train booking. However, to book IRCTC train tickets on the website, one must need to have a valid IRCTC login id and password. EaseMyTrip will not charge any convenience fee on trains as they have been doing for flight bookings.”