DDP launches ‘CovidSMART’ e-training

DDP Group has taken another big step towards empowering the tourism industry of India, and has launched CovidSMART — a training and certification programme which will ensure that the tourism industry is ready to fight the COVID-19 pandemic and effectively deal with its impact on the sector.

CovidSMART is DDP Group’s latest initiative, a programme designed by World Health Organisation-certified professionals and ISO-trained individuals to promote safe travel and help build in tour operators & travel agents the confidence to succeed in this industry, once again. The idea behind the programme is to restore confidence and embrace innovation to reassure the global travel fraternity that the Indian travel industry has taken all possible precautions to negate the spread of COVID-19. The programme will thus help rebuild consumer trust and help the industry abide by the latest protocols as it reopens the travel and tourism sector. The online training programme can be used as a weapon to fight the spread of COVID-19 and go beyond the standard precautions to reassure travellers of India being a safe country to travel to and within.

SanJeet, Director, DDP Group, says, “All our initiatives during this pandemic have been our way of looking after our tourism industry and this is another such programme. Our aim is that every travel professional should accept this fast-paced change, be prepared and be ready to drive tourism in the future. By introducing CovidSMART, we hope to put India in the driver’s seat. Now, it is up to the travel industry to encash this opportunity. I encourage the industry to convey to their partners as well as the Indian travellers that they will now be dealing with a COVID-19 certified specialist who understands and will guide them through this jungle.” Under the programme, key learnings would include protecting your business during COVID-19, dealing with emergencies and anxiety related to the pandemic and its impact, and the importance of a PPE kit.

Get online today!
To access the programme, log on to www.covidElearn.com. Whether you are in India or abroad, you can access it anytime, anywhere.

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