
Vaccine not the only solution

Gloria Guevara, President and CEO, WTTC, feels that the most frustrating challenge the industry and travellers alike have faced is the lack of a co-ordinated cross-border approach.She advocates a single standard. Hazel Jain Why do you think we are facing a lack of co-ordination during this pandemic? This outbreak is …

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Golden age for spiritual tourism

Pilgrim trails of India have held huge potential since days of yore among domestic travellers. Himanshu Talwar, Assistant Secretary General, FHRAI, believes that millennials can be inspired to revisit their cultural routes as part of spiritual tourism. India, with its diverse culture and numerous religions, is a goldmine when it …

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Pre-COVID level still years away

John Koldowski, Special Advisor to the CEO of PATA and Professor & Foreign Expert, LSNU School of Tourism, Sichuan Province, China, recently spoke at a webinar organised by PATA, titled “International Visitor Arrivals in Asia Pacific in 2020 and Expectations for 2021.” He believes that a return to pre-pandemic or …

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TAFI plans elections in Q1 2021

After deferring its virtual convention this year, the Travel Agents Federation of India (TAFI) is now working towards having its national elections early next year. The Federation is yet to finalise the format of the election. Hazel Jain Sharing an update on the association’s elections, Pradip Lulla, Acting President & …

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Asia has managed well

Mario Hardy, CEO, PATA, feels that Asian countries like China, Thailand, the Philippines and Vietnam have led in terms of domestic tourism – but Singapore has done well in terms of implementation of green corridors and safety protocols. Hazel Jain How are different countries responding to needs of their B2B …

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Stay motivated during a pandemic

As part of its skill development initiative, IATO in association with TRAVTALK  organised a motivational session titled ‘How is COVID-19 changing your personality?’ focusing on motivation, mental well-being and behavioural adaptability. Happiness Coach Sakshi Mandhyan, Founder, Mandhyan Care, shared tips to deal with these issues. Manas Dwivedi How do you …

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Meditation is an art

IATO and TRAVTALK organised a session on redesigning wellness itineraries and understanding the art of living. Rajeev Nambiar, Director, National Teachers Desk, The Art of Living, explains the importance of meditation. Manas Dwivedi Can controlling the mind be taught? It is possible. Most people don’t understand what the mind is. …

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A taskforce for a green corridor

Subhash Goyal, Secretary General, FAITH, has shared that the apex travel and hospitality association of the country will create a taskforce that will work towards making an on-ground green corridor for safe movement of tourists. Member associations have been asked to nominate a person each for the same. Nisha Verma …

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Health & hygiene are key to recovery

Virtual PATA Travel Mart 2020 saw experts from around the world coming together at PTM Forum. The topic of  deliberation was ‘The impact of health and hygiene on post COVID-19 destination competitiveness in Asia  Pacific’. Here’s what they had to say… Nisha Verma Safety is priority, says Tripadvisor While the …

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