Goyal refuses to re-contest

Subhash Goyal hands over the baton to the new Secretary who will be representing IATO in FAITH as he chose not to re-contest either for IATO or for FAITH. As the outgoing Secretary of FAITH, he shared some recommendations for the future office bearers to consider.

Sharing his gratitude for having been elected as the Hony. Secretary of FAITH, Subhash Goyal hands over the baton to the new Secretary who will be representing IATO in FAITH. IATO now has a new President and EC. Sharing this update, Goyal says, “I had chosen not to re-contest either for IATO nor for FAITH as I have already successfully played my innings. Some of the achievements were possible only because of the team work and the complete support from each and every one of the team including the Past and Present Board Members of FAITH. I would also like to express my gratitude to the Board for selecting IATO to Chair the India Tourism Mart.” He had been associated with FAITH as a Founder Member since 2012. He has also chaired ITM-2019, ITM-2020 and the Virtual ITM-2021.

“In these marts, we gave lot of opportunity to the small and medium tour operators to interact with more than 250 top tour operators selected from thousands of applicants from over 60 countries. A lot of the achievements were also possible because of the immense support from each and every one in the Ministry of Tourism, Government of India, and the present and previous ministers and Secretaries,” Goyal adds.

Recommendations to new team

Goyal also made some recommendations for the future office bearers to consider towards a more smooth and transparent environment. “I would suggest a one-time consensus be done with all member associations for any amendments to the Constitution, following which we should only revisit changes at the AGMs and not on a periodic or need basis. Moreover, the management of the affairs of the federation shall be entrusted to the Board of Directors which comprises all the current Presidents of the Core Member Associations,” he says.

Goyal added that the term of holding office shall be 24 months. Some other suggestions that he has made include applying the same yardstick to all office bearers of FAITH. The term of each Office Bearer shall be from October 1 of the year till September 30 of the next two years. The AGM shall take place once every year within a period of six months.

He further adds, “To formulate the budget of the Federation on an annual basis and implement the same strictly. I request the incoming Secretary to fix a date for the new Constitution to be adopted. We have already delayed the actions for more than a year, talking about the new proposed Constitution. If the new Constitution is taking time to be ratified then a date for the election should be fixed to hold the elections under the present Constitution so
that the organisation of FAITH becomes more transparent and fully democratic.”

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